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Appendix 4 - Het Senaatsleger (de Inabayan)



102NT- The Senate obtains permission to create their own army for security purposes of the Asul.
The Inabayan is a Dugo army where the lower ranks are filled with Private Military Corporation soldiers and young striving Asul. Their purpose is to defend the Asul and do other tasks, such as security, taxes and police duties. The Senate/Asul, and not the Maykapal, are in direct command of the Inabayan and they decide what their roles are.

Inabayan roles

  • Senatorial Military
  • Education and training of personnel.
  • Enforcement/Police duties.
  • Protection of VIPs (Asul/people/goods/locations)
  • Protection of Shoen (land property/territory/company of an Asul).
  • Gathering of Intelligence.
  • Gathering of tax money and its protection.


Generic role

The senate use the Inabayan Forces (IF) in the Dugo Imperium for internal protection, as opposed to the external focus of the Maykapala forces. Inabayan are thus usually assigned to the Shoen of Asul where they perform multiple military tasks upon the Senate's orders or engage in a variety of Specialised roles.
On Dugo planets no “civilian police” exist, this task isfulfilled by the Inabayan. They perform as both a military enforcement and a civil enforcement. A large part of the Inabayan is thus working in the protection sector. From protecting Asul personally, to protecting their Shoen, or the collected taxes and collected intelligence.


Specialised roles

  • Senatorial Military:
    This is the main military force of the senate, built originally to protect the nobles from internal threat or rogue Maykapal rule. The Senatorial Military is in many ways a mimic of the Maykapala army, but distinctly different in naming and with more focus on tasks fitting to the Senate/Asul and internal protection. This separation causes little to no interaction between these armies in a regular situation.
  • Education and training of personnel.
  • The aspiring Asul and young officers that join the Inabayan are usually inexperienced in combat. The Bugoisa are honoured with implementing a style of education resulting in a very high standard of education within the Inabayan:
  •  Together with an older and experienced Sensei these young ones are placed in charge of a squad. With this, the young ones can learn from the sensei in real situations without the direct burden of leadership.
  • When the sensei is sure they are ready for command, it will be transferred. The new officers will then assume command of their own Anim, and the circle will start over prepping the next wave of aspiring Asul and young officers for the Inabayan.
  • Enforcement/Police duties.
  • The Inabayan provide most of the internal security in the Dugo Imperium. These enforcement/police units don’t patrol everywhere at all times. Dugo society is very restrained (due to the honor code), so only in situations of predicted unrest or in densely populated areas, or where other factions live among the Dugo, will they be deployed by default. These enforcement officers are Inabayan military working in the “civil sector”. Thus they are equipped on a military grade. This allows for quick suppression of any hostilities, civil unrest or terrorist strikes.
  • Security of VIPs (Asul/people/goods/locations).
  • Besides generic enforcement, “Security Detail” is of great importance in the Dugo Empire. The Asul are always guarded, his/her surrounding carefully monitored, areas cleared ahead of arrival and dangers resolutely dealt with. But the service also includes security of VIPs, goods, or locations. The security forces tend to have a more specialised training to allow them to order other “forces” around in order to better provide their security service. Besides this security training those deployed to protect Asul or other important people are trained in support and protocol to properly behave around and tend to their protectees. Over time, certain families have remained only active in the Security aspect and developed close ties to their Asul protectees, as noticeable from their Asul honor name granted for loyalty and outstanding service.
  • Protection of Shoen (land property/territory/company of an Asul).
    Inabayan units are sent out by the Senate to Asul Shoen. The size of the security units depends on the importance of the Shoen, The Asuls’ standing and/or their tax income. The Asul owning the Shoen then station them as guards on convoys, in factories or any other important part of the Shoen as they see fit. After the Senatorial Military, this group forms the bulk of the Inabayan forces lending it its “Internal Protective” nature. As with the Security service some families have lived/worked so long on a Shoen they were granted the use of a special honor name for their dedication and service.
  • Gathering of Intelligence.
    ** CLASSIFIED ** … several more “public” Intelligence organisations are known to consist of only Inabayan forces. Dealing with obtaining, verifying and transporting of intelligence information these organisations are working on a need to know basis. Please refer to your superior for more information.
  • Gathering of tax money and its protection.
  • Every “Shoen” (land property/territory/company of an Asul) has people living or working in it. Those people need to pay for their fortune to live/work in an Asul’s Shoen. This form of Tax is collected by Inabayan forces on a regular basis and then presented to the Asul they represent, who in turn pays his dues to the Senate. The collecting detail are heavily armed security forces who travel in armoured convoys. They collect the large amounts of money from the Shoen people, bring it to the Asul safehold and transport it from there to the senate vaults.